October 14 2005 is my birthday I usually don't get presents but I'm feeling lucky today. So my family and I went to Zehrs to get cupcakes. So we drove home to eat lunch than my dad gave me an envelop my dad said it was almost 300 dollars. So I opened it and it was a membership card to the Central Baseball Academy for a year. I'm so exited to go to the CBA.

Sunday, 22 November 2015
Friday, 20 November 2015
My weekend started with my brother finding out that he got to go to a Barrie colts game with a friend and my dad was with a friend so that meant I got to have a girls night with my mom!!! So me and my mom were going to get pizza but I thought we should get some Pad Thai which is one of my favourite foods so we decided to get that. But before we picked it up my mom drove to Retro Planet and I said what are we doing here? She said do you want to go to Retro Planet so I said yes! So we went inside of it. We only spent 4 tokens but we got 261 tickets because we didn't get the right amount of tokens so the person who worked there gave us a lot more. Then I got a colouring book with my tokens, then I went to pick up our Pad Thai. Finally I went home with my mom and we started eating our food and she said that we can watch the movie Pixels on tv so we stayed up till 10:30 and the movie was really funny. That is all about my awesome weekend.
Skate Parks
Going to Willow Landing for the First Time!
In November I switched schools from Algonquin ridge. My first day at Willow landing was amazing and I missed my friends at first but after a week I got over it and I made some amazing friends here at willow landing. I love that everyone is always thinking positive. I enjoyed doing the play Cinderela a modern make over I was a fairy god folk.
The Mets the best? Well I don't think so!
I don't like to watch the NEW YORK MET'S on tv I like to watch the TORONTO BLUE JAYS. I prefer the Jays because I think they are a much better team. The infielders, like Josh Donaldson and Troy Tulowitzki are the ones who have the strong arms and can get the outs. I think the Mets aren't the best, because their shortstop isn't that great! Who do you like to watch NEW YORK MET'S or TORONTO BLUE JAYS, or do you have a favourite player on another team?
My First Briflip
My First Briflip One morning i got up and was going to practice for a scooter competition and thought if i learned briflips i would win. So I tried one and didn't get close! So I tried again and again and again! I tried new strategies and about four hours later i could land one foot. The competition was in two hours so I was stressed. I didn't think i could learn a briflip in two hours so I asked for tips. One of my friends gave me some tips and I could land two feet but not roll out. I knew at this point i couldn't do anything to fix it. I could only keep trying and hope I got it. It was fifteen minutes to the competition and I landed it. I knew then I would win and I did! 

wierd dreams that i have had
Weird Dreams
When I was younger I had one of the weirdest dreams. I more than likely didn't think it was weird when I was younger. One of my dreams was when I was sitting on an air balloon and I just kept going up and up. Another dream I had, was when I saw a sign it said "candy land" and I stayed there for quite a while. There were lollipops, chocolate, everything a kid wants. So from now on whenever i get angry or sad i just go to one of my dreams and I make up a new one every time I go to bed.
My play experince
This year, I took part in a play called Cinderella: A Modern Makeover! When it was my part to go up on stage I was so nervous because this was my first time doing a play on stage. when I got up on the stage it was not as scary that I would have thought. in the end i really had fun. Have you ever been on stage?
Going To The Beach
Going to the beach
When I was little I went to the beach with my mom, grammy, dad, grumpy and two little brothers.
This is Wasaga Beach.
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
If you were a superhero what would your power be and why ?
If I was a superhero my power would be ice Power because you I can freeze my brother when I am mad at him and my name would be super sparkelsjewls
So that's my hero and power what is yourse ?
Going To JoyRide150
Going To JoyRide150
Last Saturday I went to Joyride150 with my friend and these are some ramps that I went on when I went there it was amazing going there with my friends and having so much fun.
The First Day Of School
The First Day Of School On the first day of school I woke up at 7:00 o'clock and my mom made eggs for breakfast. After I got dressed up and brushed my teeth. Then I put on my shoes and sweater and went to school. When I got to school I wave goodbye to my mom and headed to the field and found my teacher Mrs.Persson I was happy to see some of my friends in my class when the bell rang are class went in and started the day. First we did some language and after we ate snack and went outside to play and when we came in all of us did some math.After we ate lunch and went out agian and when we came in we did french and at the end of the day I walked home and told my mom about my first day of school.
Sharing a birthday with a Celebrity
Sharing a birthday with a Celebrity
In July every year I share a birthday with a Celebrity named Harrison Ford. He plays in some of my favourite movies that are Star Wars and Indiana Jones. He is also playing in the new Star Wars movie coming out on December eighteenth. He is also in Expendables one,two and three.
The day I went to Marineland
The day I went to Marineland
It was my first time ever to go to Marineland I was so happy . When we got inside there was a whale and dolphin show but I didn't want to go because I really wanted to go on the rides. My mom said you love animals you might get pulled up to do something. So I said ok I'll go but if I dont get picked I will go. So then we went inside and they were asking random people to come to feed the beluga whales so I put my hand up and guess what................................I GOT PICKED! I was so happy. I got to feed them I got a kiss from the whale but he sprayed water at me so he did it again and he did give me a kiss. After I went on a ride called Skyscreamer it was so fun! Everyone should go on it! That was my day at Marineland.
Fun days at the camp
At my grandpa's camp me and my cousins like to ride the a.t.v. with him. last time I went was my first time going to the camp actually. And I did not go with my cousins but I know we all love it. Last time I got to drive the a.t.v. and I know all about them.But I know something my cousins don't.My grandpa is trying to get us small a.t.v.s just like the real ones.It will also have every thing like gears and will have a key.I'm going to go to the camp again soon this time with everyone!
Beautiful Days At My Trailer!
At my trailor the trees blow in the wind and it is so beautiful but a little creepy at night! It is in a wonderful trailorpark with wonderful people! I know the place, by the back of my hand! Man, that place is FUN!!!! There is a park with swings and a bar to swing on! I hope you enjoyed my blog. Please leave a comment!!
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Monday, 2 November 2015
Looking at Characters from Fish In A Tree
We have been learning a lot about some of the characters in A Fish In A Tree based on the things they say and how they act, and react to others.
Choose a character other than Ally. Give two character traits that describe this character. Provide proof from the text that supports your thinking!
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